If you've read my facebook/twitter anytime in the past like 15 minutes this is my update on both. I just came from a prayer meeting for Revival 2010 and Carly Fink sung those words while we prayed over a friend, Daniel. It was powerful and the words are ringing in my heart. I've been in an idling place recently and I haven't really been doing much to fix it. I've asked for prayer but I didn't receive it. Tonight I'm changing that though, and I am receiving the Grace I so do not deserve.
God, my Father, he is my ONLY chance to survive the world. My doubts, fears, he is the only one who can truly remove them from me, and he does when I ask. So i am asking and BELIEVING and RECEIVING.
And I am praying for this campus, that through Revival 2o1o, and this vision the wonderful Christina Cramer has received from christ, this campus is just turned upside down. and that miracles happen and that UNCW isn't known for being a beach school but a school where the army of the LORD resides and is stomping and making waves.
God is so powerful, and in our human flesh we always doubt but Jesus Christ is our only chance and he is so mighty and so capable.